Project Timeline


Online Meeting | Zoom

the starting signal was given for a new one with an online meeting of all those involved Erasmus + project at the IGS Maifeld in Polch. Apart from the IGS in Polch, schools from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey participated in the international project. The representatives came together via the Erasmus online platform eTwinning since they were all interested in the content of a corresponding concept. The aim of the almost two-year project is the responsible use of digital media, the protection of your own data on the Internet, and the recognition of serious information and sources in the “world wide web”. The pupils should be enabled to confidently participate in digital communication and to help shape it. This project is of particular interest in today's world, when digital media are taking up more and more space in the everyday lives of children and young people. In addition to virtual meetings, mutual encounters between schoolchildren and their teachers are planned, but unfortunately these trips will be postponed due to the corona pandemic. The first goal will be to create a common international logo and project webpage.

Safer Internet Day

We celebrate the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day but this year it is a little different due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.We held our 2nd online meeting with partners on this meaningful day and exchanged ideas about the process of our project.

Event About Filmmaking and Fake News

As a preparation for the mobility to Germany, students do to find out more about their own and their school mate's internet habits. At the center of the survey will be the variety of platforms that are used, what they are used for and how long. But also questions such as problems, that students may have encountered online (false information, mobbing, addiction, ....) will be examined. The students learn how to use programs for surveys and how prepare the results in an appealing way.

Germany Mobility

The first meeting of our Erasmus+ Project ,which we are carrying out ,was held in Polch-Koblenz GERMANY between 3-9 April. During these dates our students prepared a presentation about their school,city and country. They made a survey about using social media and presented the results to school community.

Portugal Mobility

The second LTT meeting of our project was held in Lisbon between 16-20 May. During the week all participants were involved in different masterclasses about using internet , cyber security and also had the chance to discuss these topics.

Romania Mobility

The short-term join staff training events of Erasmus+ K229 school exchange partnership ‘’Shoot And Load’’ third Project meeting took place between the 18th and 24th September at Jibou, Romania.

Italy Mobility

The fourth LTT meeting of our Erasmus+ Project was held in Como,ITALY between 27th November-3rd December. During the mobility host country,organised workshop on the topic ‘’Is Internet a Disease ? ‘’which was held by the psychologist Dr. Elisa Frigerio. Students worked on how to edit videos on the Project topic and they created their own videos with their peers.They have presented their videos at the closing events.

Greece Mobility

The fifth LTT meeting of our Erasmus+ Project was held in Kavala,Greece between 6th-10th March. During the mobility host country, organised workshop on the topic "Zoom in Media" 

Turkey Mobility

The last mobility of our project took place in Trabzon , Turkiye between 24-28 April.During the week , students from 6 countries held various activities related to the project content.  Our main event was the screening of short films which were made by our students. On 27th April ,we held our Premiere at Tevfik Serdar Anatolian High School with the participation of teachers, students, school staff, local press and parents. Beside the activities at school, the participants had the opportunity to explore the cultural and natural beauties of the city. 